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The First Obstetric Textbook Was A Popular Bestseller
When you think of a popular bestselling book, what comes to mind? Odds are it is a sweeping romance or a thrilling work of fiction. Once upon a time, one of the most popular books available was the very first obstetric textbook used by Obgyns. Known as “Der Rosengarten” or “The Rose Garden” this 1513 textbook published by Eucharius Rosslin was a wildly popular hit.
This early obstetric textbook included some of the very first true theories on childbirth. Unlike similar books at the time, “The Rose Garden” included illustrations depicting a lying-in chamber, a birth chair, and the various positions of a fetus in utero. Rosslin also included key information concerning the births of writers from antiquity and Greek authorities on childbirth.
Part of what made the book so popular? The sheer level of authenticity and transparency. At a time when many obgyn books were quite censored or uninformed, this book was all about telling it like it was. Nowadays, you won’t find many Obgyn textbooks on the bestseller list, but there is no doubt that many of these books are still educating these important doctors today.
Would you ever settle in for the night to read a rousing textbook?
This early obstetric textbook included some of the very first true theories on childbirth. Unlike similar books at the time, “The Rose Garden” included illustrations depicting a lying-in chamber, a birth chair, and the various positions of a fetus in utero. Rosslin also included key information concerning the births of writers from antiquity and Greek authorities on childbirth.
Part of what made the book so popular? The sheer level of authenticity and transparency. At a time when many obgyn books were quite censored or uninformed, this book was all about telling it like it was. Nowadays, you won’t find many Obgyn textbooks on the bestseller list, but there is no doubt that many of these books are still educating these important doctors today.
Would you ever settle in for the night to read a rousing textbook?